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Monday, October 29, 2007

Support American Dating Crusaders Jim Peters, rank Johnson And O.D.E.R.

I just learned about an incredibly anti-American law called IMBRA that prohibits men and women from speaking to non-feminist women and the brave patriot and dating crusaders Jim Peters, rank Johnson and their organization O.D.E.R. Online Dating for Everyone's Rights that carries on the tradition started by Benjamin Franklin who wanted to have relations with French and Thomas Jefferson who wanted to have extramarital affairs in Europe without the government or his wife butting in where they don't belong... a man's business!

These guys are fighting against some Iranian women and some feminists for their right to have online relations with European women Internet brides without having to tell them about their prior arrest records, real identities. These nambla guys are hardcore cool guys. rank Johnson even wrote new words to American woman that puts feminists and Iranian women in their place on and for all.

Saturday, October 13, 2007


(Read more at: Franworst)
America's beloved Millionaire entrepreneur Richard Quick, Esq. is pleased to announce that he has finalized negotiations with the People's Republic of China to become the exclusive U.S. representative and Master Franchise holder of the GRATE FUN! Child Adventure Systems.

At a press conference outside his celebrated Asian comic-book themed restaurant KUNG POW! restaurant, Mr. Quick announced that GRATE FUN! franchise opportunities would be available as early as next month.

Quick stated he was excited to have the People's Republic of China as his new business partner in the new venture, and looked forward to future projects.

Said Quick: "We are in the people business, and who better to partner with than those with the most people? Who understands the needs of children better than the country that has pops them out by the billions?"

The Grate Fun Child Adventure System franchise opportunity will be available as an add-on to an existing business, as a stand-alone recreation center, or as a cobranded franchise integrated with QuickCo's DEEP DISCOUNT TOYS! from China (pictured, right) or with QuickCo's ChineseBaby.Com affiliate program.

Hot Franchise Opportunities from QuickCo:

Shit Creek Paddle Store franchise

BELIEVE: It's NOT Multilevel Marketing!

ChineseBaby.Com Affiliate Program

MOB HITZ Hit Man Franchise

Thursday, May 10, 2007

199 SureFire Ways to Get Rich Quick... Guaranteed!

Featured Franchise & Distributorship Opportunities

1. Darn Good Sock Repair
2. Eternal Ascent Cremation Dispersal
3. Starbuskj Cofe & Rop Franchise
4. Joe Weiner's Mail Order Brides Franchise
5. Wholly Crap Dog Doo Removal Franchise
6. Cheezus Industries Religious Cheese Sculpture Dist.
7. Wealth Thru Window Washing
8. Smelly Restroom Abatement Franchise
9. Hemp Sisters: Clothes You Can Smoke!
10. Start a Swinger's Club!
11. The "No Soup for You!" Franchise
12. Jesus-Is-Lord Escort Service
13. MetroNaps Napping Pod Franchise
14. Big Money Playing with HorseBalls!
15. Start an Exotic Dancer Ministry!
16. Become a Pro Hair Stylist for $59.95
17. Get in on the Mummification Boom!
18. Get God is in Your Upline! Heavenly MLM
19. Hot Product Alert: Pork & Beanie Babies!
20. CyberTan: The World's First Internet Tanning Salon!
21. HOT PRODUCT: Gasoline Supersoaker
22. HOT PRODUCT: Baby Grenade. Pull the pacifier & throw!
23. Raise & Slaughter Big Piles of Pigs

24. Sorry. Time for my massage...

Richard Quick, Esq. Will Grant you one wish.

FREE Psychic reading

Richard Quick, Esq.'s Famous 101+ Ways to GET RICH QUICK!

1. Waffle Delivery & Repair
2. Nudes 'N Foods Franchise
3. The FOR SALE Bologna Brown-Eggs Quilts Crafts Cheese Flowers Pernnials franchise
4. The Town Crier Franchise
5. Be a Buccaneer Butcher!
6. Clean BJs & Weiners!
7. The Mr. Bagpipe Franchise
8. Start your own Church!
9. Old Barn Wood Furniture and Crafts
10. Peculiar Medical Clinic
11. Home Pasta Delivery
12. Become a Marketing Consultant!
13. Big Money in Midgets
14. Own a BetaMax Superstore!
15. Amish Country Signs Franchise
16. Make Luggage from Tape!
17. Start a Home Casino!
18. Turn Trash into Cash!
19. Unlock Windows of Opportunity
20. The ultimate booming business
21. Fungus "R" Us Toenail Fungal abatement
22. Mona Leasing Art Rental Franchise
23. Pseudodental Repair Franchise
24. Sell Dehydrated Water
25. Open an "As Seen in Motels" discount store
26. Open a Sundae Station franchise
27. Market "Afterlife Telegrams"
28. Win International Lotteries!
29. Assist Nigerian Millionaire Widows & Orphans
30. Sell your Immortal Soul!
31. Import Gourmet Minnesota Coconuts!
32. Sell Freeze Pops With REAL Shards O' Glass
33. Sell Trendy Male Lipstick
34. Start a Home Lasik Surgery Center
35. Start your own Pet Island!
36. Sell Child Confinement & Transport Products
37. Sell Peace of Mind
38. Sell immortality. That's right. IMMORTALITY!
39. Sell Doggy Eyewear!
40. Become a Lip Balm Addiction Counselor
41. Buy a Mooncake, Meatfloss & CuttleFish Franchise
42. Open a Simpson Alter Ego Rehabilitation Clinic
43. Sell Snake Penis Capsules Medicine
44. San Francisco Sausage Co. & Fudge Packery
45. Open a Squat 'n Gobble Restaurant!
46. DAPZY's! The Dangerous Animal Petting Zoo
47. The Big Green Mystical Ball
48. Become a Happy Hooker!
49. Open a Bette Davis BBQ Joint!
50. Open a Gun Store Tattoo Parlor
51. Sell HandJobs!
52. Sell FUELISH! Top Secret Gasoline Booster!
53. Sell Gently War-Torn Real Estate!
54. Flip No-Dinar-Down Properties!
55. Sell Frozen Meats. They're endangered!
56. Sell AutoErotic Asphyxia Accessories
57. Open a Christian Dollar Store!
58. Rent Negroes for Big $$$$$
59. Human Caviar: The Next Big Craze!
60. Buy/Sell Black Market Babies, Pandas & Tigers.
61. Provide Primate Temp Tech Workers.
62. Become a Memory Erasure Intake Counselor.
63. Help Parents Create Perfect Children.
64. Build Corpses for Fun & Profit.
65. Or Become a Corpse Reseller.
66. Open a Brain Transplant Clinic...
67. Become a Deep Discount Travel Agent!
68. Sell delicious "PISS" (It's imported!)
69. Become a Cheezus Freak!
70. Sell Republican Clothing
71. Sell Cute Lil Fetuses
72. EZ TOYZ = EZ CASH!!!
73. Be a Cavie Costumer!
74. No-Money Down Iraqi Real Estate
75. Friendly Fire Fast Funds Franchise!
76. Sell UFO Abduction Insurance!
77. Sell Cow Pie Clocks
78. Sell Penis Birds
79. Sell Penis Clowns
80. Become a Rectal Exam Trainer!
81. Start an Anti-Currency Movement!
82. Become a Contract Killer!
83. Sell Innovative Fruit Carriers
84. Sell Yarmulkebras!(TM)
85. Rent Your Chest!
86. Sell Vulva Puppets!
87. Sell Nipple Stifflers
88. Start an Ultimate Taxi Service!
89. Become an Etch-a-Sketch Artist!
90. Sue your employer!
91. Magic Money Matrix as seen on OPRAH!
92. Shit Creek Paddle Store Franchise
93. Start a Band called Sand Dollar
94. AdVerPets NewMedia Franchise
95. Automated Bovid Dispensers Franchise
96. Start a Bumvertising Agency
97. LOOK RICH QUICK! The Franchise
98. Learn Exotic Dancing at home!
99. Sell ANALRETTES Smoking Alternative
100. Sell Inflatable Commander-in-Chiefs
101. Sell Friendly Fire Ammo... Like Snuffy!
102. Sell Lunar Advertising!
103. Sell EnviroAd Product Placement
104. Sell DIY Drunk Tests!

Sign up for Get Rich Quick! the Newsletter and you'll Get Rich Quick! Guaranteed!

If you don't COMMENT, you don't COUNT.

Why are you still reading? Get rich!

FREE Psychic reading

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Homage to my friend Dick Cheney

Dick Cheney is one of my best friends and most valued associates. He is a true inspiration... and there aren't many people I can say that about. His handling of the Plame Game is masterful and elegant. I teach my students at the Millionaire Richard Quick, Esq. Perception is Reality Institute to constantly weigh their PR strategies with a frequent: WWCD? It's not quite as valuable as WWMRQED? but is useful nonetheless.

The fine capitalist artist and U.S. patriot PIXWIT has created this homage to Dick Cheney in recognition of the fine public relations lessons he continues to provide to the world free of charge. Well, almost free of charge.

Monday, March 05, 2007


After my conversation with the Smithfield staff neurologist who educated me as to the mental impairment that Vegans are operating under, it occurred to me that Vegans are more to be pitied than to be despised (though the two are not mutually exclusive), and, as my Millionaire Mindset students know, Pity is the soil in the flowerpot of exploitation! Where there is compassion, there is opportunity.

So, the idea hit me that perhaps the first order of business for my newly formed Compassionate Carnivores Club could be to secure funding for a national initiative called "Buy a Vegan a Burger Day"! Your a ten-dollar donation will secure a large, mouthwatering burger for a protein-deprived vegan, plus a side of onion rings deep-fried in animal fat, washed down with a soda in a paper-cup coated in wax rendered from animal by-products. If we get the meals donated by fast-food chains, greasy spoons or meal kitchens, QuickCo will split the $10.00 donations with its Millionaire Mindset independent sales reps, 60/40.

What do you say, students? Are you ready to make some BIG dollars while saving the fuzzy-thinking Vegans from themselves?

Vegan Protein Deficiency Affects Naming Ability

After receiving the first two ravingly inane responses to my celebratory posts on the success of Smithfield pork production, I called a prominent neurologist who is actually on retainer with Smithfield. I forwarded him links to the two comments, one by someone name Rayon (who has a blog named Inside the Protein-Deficient Mind of a Veganista or something. See his post Hog Butchers RULE) and another by someone named Citizen P (who has a blog named Spreading Misinformation, Exposing Myself or something. My question to him was: does lack of meat in one's diet cause impaired mental function, or even brain damage.

The reason for my question was that I discerned particular patterns of mental deficiency amongst the meat-deprived. For one thing, they seem to have an inability to name things.

The doctor confirmed my theory. He told me that at one time, their kind were known as "vegetarian." It was a clear, meaningful name established by a carnivorous scientist, though some said it had its roots in a Native American term meaning "One who is unable to hunt effectively." However, the vegetarians insisted on creating their own word for themselves, one from a Star Trek episode, one that no one would be sure how to pronounce: Vegan. Or Vee-gan. In fact, according to the learned man, the Vegans themselves often forget how to pronounce it so they have decided to alternate days: Sunday, Tues., Thurs., Sat. it's Vee-gan, and so on. None of them can actually remember whether they are able to eat eggs, cheese, or French Fries, so they simply ramble when asked, which is rare.

According to this respected neurologist, the hemisphere of the brain that controls naming (as well as other functions, such as reasoning, logic, employment & hygiene) are diminished in size among Vegans, a result of a diet deficiency in protein, especially that of pork, ham & bacon. (This explains why similar symptoms are found among the Jews).

The doctor pointed out that the symptoms evident in both commenters were clearly late-stage, as evidenced by their own online names. The one named himself "Rayon." As the doctor pointed out, would a rational person name themselves after a manufactured regenerated cellulosic fiber, even if produced from naturally occurring polymers? The other named himself "Citizen P.," a self-deprecating euphemism equal to "Mr. Urine." As the Doctor pointed out, "Citizen P." may have additional complications stemming from his practice of selling his own plasma for money. "This could be aggravating his already impaired lack of reasoning function," said the doctor. "Vegans, or Vee-gans - are notoriously employment-averse. It's part of their unique epidemiology."

However, there is hope. Close friends should keep a package of Smithfield Smoked Sausage or other fine Smithfield meat products on hand. As soon as the Vegan becomes disoriented, feed them a link or two. They will thank you for it later.


Sunday, March 04, 2007

A Great Day for Capitalist Pigs!

I've been cruising the Caribbean in GET RICH 3 and am delighted with the Internet speed from our new dedicated SATLINK connection. I think it's faster than the connection I get at either the estate or at the QUICKCO HQ campus. It's fabulous.

Funny Rolling Stone Article on Smithfield Hog Production

I indulged myself last night with a good scotch, Cuban cigar and tour of the ineffectual attempts by the Veganistas at communication. Their nonsensical arguments are matched only by their ineffectual PR skills. I got a tremendous kick out of the Rolling Stone article called Boss Hog in which the "writer" tries to evoke sympathy for pigs by equating their carcasses - by weight - with dead humans. A kindergartener could see through the awkward and ham-fisted (pardon the pun) attempt at transference - but not the protein-deprived Vegans. They hail it as "journalism." They would jump up and down with glee had they the strength. Had they the glee.

I'll tell you, this is one little piggy who'll be going to market first thing Monday. Tomorrow, Smithfield stock will rise once again, in part because of the BUY order I'll place at start of trading. The Rolling Stone story provided some great press that will help bump the stock price, including:
Smithfield Foods, the largest and most profitable pork processor in the world, killed 27 million hogs last year. That's a number worth considering. [RQ: Sure is!]... Smithfield estimates that its total sales will reach $11.4 billion this year.... The company produces 6 billion pounds of packaged pork each year. That's a remarkable achievement, a prolificacy unimagined only two decades ago, and the only way to do it is to raise pigs in astonishing, unprecedented concentrations.
I felt good about my investments in Smithfield after reading that, I'll tell you. I had the cook make me a BLT and plan a gourmet pork dish on the menu for dinner. (I need a break from fresh fish anyway). The article speaks glowingly of Smithfield's success under the leadership of my good friend Joe Luter III:
Smithfield's expansion was unique in the history of the industry: Between 1990 and 2005, it grew by more than 1,000 percent. In 1997 it was the nation's seventh-largest pork producer; by 1999 it was the largest. Smithfield now kills one of every four pigs sold commercially in the United States. As Smithfield expanded, it consolidated its operations, clustering millions of fattening hogs around its slaughterhouses. Under Luter, the company was turning into a great... machine.
The article continues to celebrate the dominance and profitability of Smithfield as the Boss of All Hogs:
Smithfield's market dominance is hardly at risk: Twenty-six percent of the pork processed in this country is Smithfield pork. The company's expansion does not seem to be slowing down: Over the past two years, Smithfield's annual sales grew by $1.5 billion. In September, the company announced that it is merging with Premium Standard Farms, the nation's second-largest hog farmer and sixth-largest pork processor. If the deal goes through, Smithfield will own more pigs than the next eight largest pork producers in the nation combined. ..
Brilliant Propaganda Planted by Smithfield!
It was then that is occurred to me that this was actually a brilliant story PLANTED by the brilliant PR minds at Smithfield... A promotional pig-in-sheep's-clothing ploy. Brilliant! Scanning back over it, the tongue-in-cheek humor is wonderful and suddenly obvious: The author's name is JEFF TIETZ. The story is called Boss Hog, and the story is truly about Smithfield's dominance and Luter's brilliance. They just threw in the pollution talk, and words like "transmogrify" and "shit" to make it fit in this pretentious pseudo-intellectual rag. Just watch: the already sold-out baby boomers who read Rolling Stone skipped over the pig shit parts and already have calls into their brokers to BUY Smithfield pork asap.

Ahh, it's a great day for Capitalist Pigs!

Here are some of the Animal Rights nut-jobs, protein-deprived Veganistas and other self-righteous losers with posts on the Rolling Stone Boss Hog story:
Inside the Mind of a Vegan
Boing Boing
Vegan Porn
World Vegan and NutJob News
NutJob Heaven: Vegan.Com
Cafe Jack
After School Snack
Super Lost: Super Vegan
Flax on Friday




Vegans, Vegetarians, Veegans, Animal rights Kooks and other sissified liberals would be jumping up and down right now if their protein-deficient bodies were capable of it. Why? Because the smug, self-righteous anti-success toadies at Rolling Stone have come out with an article called BOSS HOG. It begins with the startling revelation: America's top pork producer churns out a sea of waste that has destroyed rivers, killed millions of fish and generated one of the largest fines in EPA history. Welcome to the dark side of the other white meat.

Here's what I love about these TV-Generation Community College Liberal Arts Indignants: They act like they are the ultimate holders of the great and profound truths of society's ills, which they share with the great unwashed and unenlightened in an article with a headline that quotes from one of mankind's greatest epics: The Dukes of Hazard.

I'm a Smithfield shareholder, and I'm going to increase my holdings first thing Monday. I had extra bacon and sausage this am as I had fun looking at the pathetic attempts at expose on the vegan, animal rights and other lefty nutjob websites. They are so smug. So self congratulatory. So self righteous. And, most of all, so ineffective.

Their own story starts out with some great publicity: "Smithfield Foods, the largest and most profitable pork processor in the world, killed 27 million hogs last year. That's a number worth considering." It sure is! Cha-ching! Cha-ching!

Watch Smithfield stock soar! They make a feeble attempt to equate - by weight, no less - dead pigs and dead humans. What? They don't know people equate pigs with food? This is the best their PR machine can hurl? Watch Smithfield stock soar some more! Cha-ching!

They talk about a fountain of waste spewing into the air out in the middle of nowhere like people will be outraged. Who cares? That's why we all live in the city and suburbs. That's why we put our hog farms out in the middle of nowhere. You don't like the stench of a hog farm, move to Manhattan.

I love liberals, vegans, PETAS, and all the rest. My only complaint is that they don't even give us a good game. They are like a mouse between the cats paws... we bat them around, play around 'til we get bored then we eat them.

They can't even decide on a name. They used to be vegetarians, but that was too clear and not hip enough, so they decided to come up with a name right out of a Star Trek episode that no onewould know how to pronounce: Vegans. Is it Vegan: Rhymes with Reagan? Or Veegan: rhymes with... nothing.

Probably the latter, since there seems to be neither rhyme nor reason to anything they do.

Saturday, March 03, 2007


I love that word. I really do. Monetize.

Want to monetize your website? Want to make millions blogging in you PJs, never having to go to the office or deal with morons ever again? Click here to see how I make millions with a cover charge on my site: FRANWORST.COM

That's key #1. For key #2, click the link below and answer Sara's questions. you'll be enlightened within 48 hours... Guaranteed!
Get a Free psychic reading


Adsense is nonsense. Affiliate marketing is for losers. Want to make millions blogging? Ask the guy who does: ME.

STEP ONE: Charge a cover charge. On my site I get $1.00 per day from every visitor. Take a look at my daily counter in the right sidebar and you do the math.

STEP TWO: Click on the link below, answer the questions and heed the advice of psychic Sara Freder. Want to know my system for making millions in the stock market, always picking the right horse, choosing the next American Idol? I clicked the link below, answered the questions and heeded the advice of the very hot Sara Freder.

Being a loser is a daily choice. Choose differently today. RQ

Get a Free psychic reading

How to Make Millions Blogging

Adsense is NoN-Sense. Affiliate marketing is for losers so dumb Amway won't take their urine-scented money. Commission Junction is to Wealth-building as Petticoat Junction is to fine filmmaking. If you want to make millions, as I have, with a crappy little free blog, there are two things you've got to know.

The first key to making money with your blog is to charge a cover charge to your blog. On my FranWorst.Com site, I charge a $1.00 daily cover charge to access my website. $1.00 doesn't sound like a lot to you, does it? You're skeptical. You don't think you can make boatloads of money charging a $1.00 cover charge to a crappy Wordpress blog, do you?

That's why I'm a freaking millionaire and you're saving your greasy dollar bills and spare change in a rusty creamed corn can, dreaming of the day when you'll have enough to buy a muffler for your piece-of-crap Suburu. You skeptics make me ill. What's the matter with you? Aren't you ready to be RICH? Don't you want to have the MILLIONAIRE MINDSET?

Go to my FranWorst.Com site. Pay your $1.00 cover charge. Then take a look at the daily visitor counter on the right column. Multiple that number by $1.00 (or ask someone with basic math skills to do it for you). That will tell you how much I've made that day. Follow my tips and even YOU can make that kind of money too.

The second secret to blogging success is a personal secret, which is different for each person. Despite what every one of your family and friends believes about you, there is a little tiny, tiny kernal of potential buried deep inside you. I mean DEEP. Using only your birthday and email address, my psychic, the very very hot Ms. Sara Freder, will give you the key to unlock that potential. All you need to do is click on the subtle, flashing ad below, answer the easy questions (even easy for you) and you are on your way to untold riches and wealth beyond your wildest dreams.

I'll be seeing YOU on the veranda! Millionaire Richard Quick, Esq.

Get a Free psychic reading

Saturday, February 03, 2007

An American Franchise: Nudes 'N Foods

The dream of free food and naked women built this great nation, America. It's what first brought Columbus to these shores, and St. Brendan before him.
It's what lured the Pilgrims to Plymouth Rock (what, you bought into religious freedom?).
And it somehow brought Don Rickles.
It's as American as, say, complimentary pornography and ham loaf.
And now, it's a dream franchise for you.
And the best part is that when they complain that the dancers are ugly, you can say, Sure, but hey, the food's free! And when they complain that the ham loaf smells funny, you say: What's the matter with you? There's naked women up there and you're talking ham loaf!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Window Wash Your Way To Wealth!

Looking for an exciting franchise that combines your love of spotlessly clean glass with the heart-pounding exhilaration of traffic dodging with the unlimited earning potential of panhandling?

Your window of opportunity just may be a windshield!

Watch the Window washing Wealth! Franchise Video at FranWorst, home of the worst franchise opportunities anywhere!

Window Washing WealthBuilding! Franchise Video!

(Hey! You missed a spot!)

Outdoor Franchise: Trapper Tom’s Nature Store

FranWorst has all the best of the worst franchise opportunities anywhere!

Hey, you outdoorsmen... Watch the video that will change your life! Believe Me!

Trapper Tom’s Nature Store Franchise Video

Now you can turn your tolerance of the outdoors into the Get Rich Quick! venture of your dreams… exploiting both the wave of nostalgia for the long-conquered natural environment AND the selling power of internationally celebrated naturist Trapper Tom, host of the hit outdoor show Trapper Tom’s Hot on the Trail series.

See you on the veranda!

Millionaire Richard Quick, Esq.
Publisher, Franworst

Big Beaver Demands Small Hooters

Breaking news at Millionaire Richard Quick, Esq.'s tax-free offshore blog FRANWORST, home of the ultimate franchise opportunities! Read all about it:

Big Beaver Demands Small Hooters

Don LaPre’s Ultimate Road to Success!

Don LaPre is only one of the celebrated graduates of Richard Quick, Esq.’s GET RICH QUICK! Millionaire’s Academy. I remember Don when he was just a thousandaire, hustling old ladies out of their snuff money in no-limit cribbage games behind Miami dog racing tracks. I’m proud to say I helped make him what he is today: an internationally known and loved infomercial zillionaire, like his mentor.

Watch Don LaPre’s Ultimate Road to Success!

It's now playing on Richard Quick, Esq.'s FranWorst, home of the worst franchise opportunities anywhere!.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year! from George Bush & Millionaire Richard Quick, Esq.

[Pictured, left, the personal Christmas card I received from President George W. Bush. As always, George commissioned to create his original artwork.]

It's been another fantastic year for Millionaire Richard Quick, Esq. (Yes, Virginia, the Rich DO Get richer!) I made a killing in No-Dinar-Down Iraqi Real Estate. It's been a stellar year for my non-profit initiative at the National Association for the Advancement of Wealthy People. And, hopefully, it's been a good year for you in your quest for financial freedom and personal prosperity. If you have listened to me, and made your payments on time, and purchased all of my motivational and instructional books, videos, DVDs, and Viewfinder inserts, then you should be closer to your dream of untold wealth.

THIS will be your YEAR!

I can sense it. I don't just say this to all my website visitors. I can sense that YOU are special. You have potential. YOU have the millionaire mindset. All you lack is motivation. And my new updated RICHARD QUICK'S 99 BUSINESSES YOU CAN START ANYWHERE, EVEN PRISON which will be released later this month.

To help keep my students motivated, I like to give them occasional glimpses into my life, the life of their dreams. Whenever I can do so for free, or without disclosing my actual whereabouts, I will give you such a glimpse. That's why I had one of my outsourced computer workers scan my Christmas card from George Bush (pictured above), so that I can show you the kind of Christmas cards YOU'LL be getting when you are filthy, filthy rich like me.

All of us ultra-wealthy owe George a big thank you. He's a real leader. When foreign nations think that they can intimidate us by killing 2900 of our citizens, George proved them wrong by killing 3,000 himself. Saddam Hussein will think twice before attacking the World Trade Center again, I'll tell you!

God bless King George! God bless you. God bless our war effort. God bless us with a prosperous 2007 with many happy returns (tax and otherwise)!

Sunday, December 31, 2006

101+ Ways to Get Rich Quick!... GUARANTEED!

1. Waffle Delivery & Repair
2. Nudes 'N Foods Franchise
3. The FOR SALE Bologna Brown-Eggs Quilts Crafts Cheese Flowers Pernnials franchise
4. The Town Crier Franchise
5. Be a Buccaneer Butcher!
6. Clean BJs & Weiners!
7. The Mr. Bagpipe Franchise
8. Start your own Church!
9. Old Barn Wood Furniture and Crafts
10. Peculiar Medical Clinic
11. Home Pasta Delivery
12. Become a Marketing Consultant!
13. Big Money in Midgets
14. Own a BetaMax Superstore!
15. Amish Country Signs Franchise
16. Make Luggage from Tape!
17. Start a Home Casino!
18. Turn Trash into Cash!
19. Unlock Windows of Opportunity
20. The ultimate booming business
21. Fungus "R" Us Toenail Fungal abatement
22. Mona Leasing Art Rental Franchise
23. Pseudodental Repair Franchise
24. Sell Dehydrated Water
25. Open an "As Seen in Motels" discount store
26. Open a Sundae Station franchise
27. Market "Afterlife Telegrams"
28. Win International Lotteries!
29. Assist Nigerian Millionaire Widows & Orphans
30. Sell your Immortal Soul!
31. Import Gourmet Minnesota Coconuts!
32. Sell Freeze Pops With REAL Shards O' Glass
33. Sell Trendy Male Lipstick
34. Start a Home Lasik Surgery Center
35. Start your own Pet Island!
36. Sell Child Confinement & Transport Products
37. Sell Peace of Mind
38. Sell immortality. That's right. IMMORTALITY!
39. Sell Doggy Eyewear!
40. Become a Lip Balm Addiction Counselor
41. Buy a Mooncake, Meatfloss & CuttleFish Franchise
42. Open a Simpson Alter Ego Rehabilitation Clinic
43. Sell Snake Penis Capsules Medicine
44. San Francisco Sausage Co. & Fudge Packery
45. Open a Squat 'n Gobble Restaurant!
46. DAPZY's! The Dangerous Animal Petting Zoo
47. The Big Green Mystical Ball
48. Become a Happy Hooker!
49. Open a Bette Davis BBQ Joint!
50. Open a Gun Store Tattoo Parlor
51. Sell HandJobs!
52. Sell FUELISH! Top Secret Gasoline Booster!
53. Sell Gently War-Torn Real Estate!
54. Flip No-Dinar-Down Properties!
55. Sell Frozen Meats. They're endangered!
56. Sell AutoErotic Asphyxia Accessories
57. Open a Christian Dollar Store!
58. Rent Negroes for Big $$$$$
59. Human Caviar: The Next Big Craze!
60. Buy/Sell Black Market Babies, Pandas & Tigers.
61. Provide Primate Temp Tech Workers.
62. Become a Memory Erasure Intake Counselor.
63. Help Parents Create Perfect Children.
64. Build Corpses for Fun & Profit.
65. Or Become a Corpse Reseller.
66. Open a Brain Transplant Clinic...
67. Become a Deep Discount Travel Agent!
68. Sell delicious "PISS" (It's imported!)
69. Become a Cheezus Freak!
70. Sell Republican Clothing
71. Sell Cute Lil Fetuses
72. EZ TOYZ = EZ CASH!!!
73. Be a Cavie Costumer!
74. No-Money Down Iraqi Real Estate
75. Friendly Fire Fast Funds Franchise!
76. Sell UFO Abduction Insurance!
77. Sell Cow Pie Clocks
78. Sell Penis Birds
79. Sell Penis Clowns
80. Become a Rectal Exam Trainer!
81. Start an Anti-Currency Movement!
82. Become a Contract Killer!
83. Sell Innovative Fruit Carriers
84. Sell Yarmulkebras!(TM)
85. Rent Your Chest!
86. Sell Vulva Puppets!
87. Sell Nipple Stifflers
88. Start an Ultimate Taxi Service!
89. Become an Etch-a-Sketch Artist!
90. Sue your employer!
91. Magic Money Matrix as seen on OPRAH!
92. Shit Creek Paddle Store Franchise
93. Start a Band called Sand Dollar
94. AdVerPets NewMedia Franchise
95. Automated Bovid Dispensers Franchise
96. Start a Bumvertising Agency
97. LOOK RICH QUICK! The Franchise
98. Learn Exotic Dancing at home!
99. Sell ANALRETTES Smoking Alternative
100. Sell Inflatable Commander-in-Chiefs
101. Sell Friendly Fire Ammo... Like Snuffy!
102. Sell Lunar Advertising!
103. Sell EnviroAd Product Placement
104. Sell DIY Drunk Tests!

Sign up for Get Rich Quick! the Newsletter and you'll Get Rich Quick! Guaranteed!

If you don't COMMENT, you don't COUNT.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Quiznos Sues Itself; Charges Irreparable Damage to Brand

[Pictured, Left, Quiznos Spokesman Bob at Press Conference]

DENVER In what legal analysts are calling unprecedented in the history of litigation, Quiznos Corporation has sued itself, claiming that it has done “irreparable harm to the Quiznos brand” and has “consistently failed to promote in such a manner as will not detract from or do damage to the reputation of Quiznos in the markeplace and the goodwill associated with the Quiznos name and trademarks.” The court filing included a request for an emergency injunction to prevent the Denver-based sandwich chain from “doing any more harm to itself and others.”

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Quiznos Awarded FranWorst Franchise Hall of Shame Award!

Millionaire Richard Quick, Esq. is delighted to announce that the Quiznos franchise program has been named the first nominee for entrance to the FranWorst Franchise Hall of Shame Award!

While the competition was tough, Richard Quick Esq. announced that the bold, wonderfully ruthless termination of the franchise agreements of ten franchise owners (representing 17 stores) really put them in a class of their own.

The terminations were made in response to the leaking of the alleged suicide note of their fellow franchisee Bob Baber, who was distraught over the failure of his franchise and his ongoing litigation with Quiznos Corporation. The ten were board members of the Toasted Sub Franchise Association.

"The cold, uncaring nature of the franchise terminations in the wake of their comrade's death, and the corporation's total commitment to excellence in self-interest and wealth acquisition brought tears of admiration to my eyes," said Millionaire Richard Quick, Esq. "They are an inspiration to the youth of America."

Read all about the amazing Quiznos at

The Franchise That’s Too Good to be True: Quiznos!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

GET RICH QUICK: Mr. Body Parts Franchise

Mr. Body Parts is the country’s first and only home-based whole-body donation and dissemination franchise. As a franchisee, you'll make a difference. You'll be somebody. And while you barely finished high school, you will be in the business of saving lives--every time medical students practice techniques on the tissue samples you’ve sent over, you're saving lives. Every time an established veteran doctor practices on a limb or spine that you provided at a low everyday price with never an upcharge for same-day shipping, you're saving lives. And every time a veteran doctor practices a new surgical technique on a corpse instead of on a father of six, or even a supermodel, you're saving lives. You'll not only live the kind of lifestyle you've always dreamed of, you'll hold the key to life and death in your very hands. You'll be like God's right-hand-man... working right out of your garage, shed or spare bedroom.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Useless Men Praise Richard Quick, Esq.'s GET RICH QUICK!

I love being a source of inspiration to the salt of the earth, the little, useless people I see scurrying like ants below my skyscraper window, or from the window of my plane, or through the window of my Porsche as I tear through their neighborhoods. So I'm glad when I can leave some useless people tongue-tied and awed.

I am speaking, of course, of the bloggers at Useless Advice from Useless Men who paid tribute to yours truly with a long and incomprehensible (but endearing) blog entry today. They were addressing the question of which of my 101+ Ways to GET RICH QUICK! were best for the average, useless person.

I could only make out the meaning of some of the text, as it appears to be written in Canadian, and I didn't want to interrupt my Canuck interpreter, Olaf, as he was busy clubbing the baby seals for dinner. But what I made out was:

1) My net worth is more than everyone's that they know, or have ever come in contact with, combined.
2) They couldn't choose just one of the 101+ Ways to GET RICH QUICK! because they are all so brilliant and inspiring
3) Somebody put something in the one guy's taco, perhaps a hallucinogenic substance
4) The writer concluded: "I think the best way to get... Rich Quick, is by subscribing to your free newsletter"

I believe that last point was an excellent, excellent observation, even by non-Canadian standards. Wealthbuilding is a journey, and requires a continual investment of time and purchases. So sign up for the GET RICH QUICK! newsletter right now.

I think we've learned an important lesson from the Useless Men today, and that lesson is: No one is truly useless, for great fortunes are made by pooling the resources of the many for the benefit of the few, the great, the truly deserving.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Sell DIY Drunk Tests

[Illustration courtesy MoHDI]

Drunk Driving is a serious problem in our society, ruining countless lives and blah blah blah.

But how can you tell when you're too drunk to drive? Up until now, your only option was to swerve into the path of a police cruiser, grind to a sudden halt, then loudly request a Breathalizer test before you're gunned down... not a great option.

But now, thanks to the great minds at Millions of Hundred Dollar Ideas, problem drinkers and hardcore alcoholics alike can perform a self-test using Do-it-Yourself Drunk Test Flashcards. As the MoHDI engineers describe it: have a deck of fifty-two cards, with a photo of a lady printed on the
face of them. These ladies range from being moderately attractive to very ugly.
You pull one of the cards, look at the woman on the card, and decide if you
think that she is attractive or not...

In other words: Would you? or Wouldn't you?
...Then you flip over the card, and see what it says. The reverse side of the card
has a number in a scale of its own printed on it, essentially in inverse
proportion to your own “One to Ten” scale. Thus, the moderately good-looking
lady would be a “one”, and the horribly-disfigured lady would be a “ten”. It
operates on the basis of beer goggles: the drunker you are, the lower your
threshold of standards of beauty becomes, so when you’re looking at a card and
you’re like,”That is one fiiiiine lookin’ lady! I wish she was sittin’ on this
here barstool right next to me!” and then you flip it over and it reads “Nine”,
you’ll be all like “Woah, I’m nine out of ten drunk! I should get the hell on
out of here!” There’ll be a series that depicts dudes as well, for those people
that prefer dudes over ladies.

As a DIY Drunk Test franchisee, you'll establish a "downline" distributor network that can include bartenders, liquor store clerks, AA members and dedicated drinkers. We're looking for ambitious individuals with years of drinking and cavorting experience in a variety of venues. DUIs a plus. Business experience is not necessary. Some non-maxxed credit cards and liver a must.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Useless Men to Celebrate Millionaire Richard Quick's 101 Ways to Get Rich Quick! list

I teach my wealth-building students that "The key to success is honesty. Once you can fake that, the rest is easy."

So few embrace this simple principle! It is the curse of a man of my standing to be surrounded by a sea of useless men spouting uninformed, useless advice to the moronic, undeserving, useless masses.

So what a breath of fresh air to come across admittedly useless men spewing admittedly useless advice! I speak, of course, of the Useless Men at Useless Advice From Useless Men.

Nay... more than admit uselessness, these useless men celebrate their uselessness. They parade their lack of utility as a badge of honor! And so they should. Martin Luther King, a man for whom many streets (filled with many useless men) are named and a credit to his normally useless kind, said:
If a man is called to be a streetsweeper, he should sweep streets even as
Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry.
He should sweep streets so well that all the host of heaven and earth will pause
to say, here lived a great streetsweeper who did his job well.

And verily I say unto you, in the words of Millionaire Richard Quick, Esq.:

If a man is called to be useless, he should be useless even as
J.P. Morgan connived, or Rockefeller bullied, or Gecko liquidated.
He should be so useless - and the advice that he so freely spews forth should be so useless - that all the host of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a man with no usefulness at all, with no useful advice to share, who did his job well.

And soon these Useless Men will provide Useless Advice regarding which of my 101 Ways to Get Rich Quick! will get the average person 1) Richest, 2) Quickest, and 3) Rich Quickest.

How nice it will be to be able to entertain the heavy traffic of useless visitors that will stream forth from their useless site without having to go through the pretense that their advice, or their very existence, is useful in the least.

Go, gentle visitor, seeker of the trivial and useless. Go and visit Useless Advice From Useless Men. Ask them useless questions, and embrace their useless guidance. And shoot me an email when they post their advice regarding my 101 Ways to Get Rich Quick!

Not that it matters to me.

Americans love their pets more than they love each other!

[Photo Credit: MoHDI]

Americans love their pets!

Did you know that 63% of all households have at least one pet? That's 69.1 million homes! And 43% have more than one pet!

43.5 million households have a doggy or two, followed by 37.7 million families with cats!

Americans spend BIG on their pets

For 2006, it estimated that Americans will spend $38.4 billion on Woofy and Tinkerbell! They'll spend $15.2 billion on food, $9.4 billion on Vet Care, $9.3 billion on supplies/OTC medicine, $1.8 billion on live animal purchases, and $2.7 billion on Grooming & Boarding.

Americans love their pets more than they love other Americans!
To truly understand the magnitude of the American love affair with Max, Sam, Lady, Bear & Smoky**, consider that 37 million Americans live in poverty. Americans could use the money they spend yearly on pets to transform every poor person in America into a multimillionaire*, but they choose, instead, to spend it on Shadow, Kitty, Molly, Buddy & Brandy***, which is cool with me. I'm as indifferent to the poor as the next guy (you). I'm just saying that some people might say that that money would be better spent on distributing Get Rich Quick! 99 Businesses you can start from the Hood DVD and audio programs to the poor, plus have one hell of a Korean BBQ (with Ginger, Baby, Misty, Missy, & Pepper**** as the guests of honor) that would unify us as a nation, and heal this rumored economic divide.

However, I do believe we have an obligation to use our vast Pet resources to help one beleaguered and neglected group that needs our help: The American Advertiser.

An Opportunity to Do (VERY) Well While Doing Good!
The American Advertiser has been trampled by TIVO, ravaged by the Remote and played for a chump by those who consciously ignore their product placements in tv shows and movies. They've done so much for you... now you can answer their cry for help AND get filthy rich in the process! That's right! You can build the moneymaking empire you've always dreamed of by seizing the untapped advertising potential of America's pet population, and meeting the demands of the American Advertiser.

Introducing the AdverPets Franchise Program!
QuickCo Enterprises' EnviroAd Division is pleased to announce the first joint venture franchise opportunity with its IdeaPartner MoHDI (Millions of Hundred Dollar Ideas)****: ADVERPETS.

Yes, the AdverPets franchise is your opportunity to join the glamorous gazillion-dollar advertising industry by matching up cash-rich advertisers with your own mammalian media network. Don't have business experience? Life experience? A clue? Don't worry! As long as you meet our EZ Qualification criteria, we'll provide the rest!

AdverPets. Selected by as a top franchise to "keep an eye on" for 2007!


Pet statistics courtesy APPMA.
Poor People statistics from Wikipedia.
* By investing $1000 per year, per poor person, in Millionaire Richard Quick's GET RICH QUICK! Wealth Building and Millionaire Mindset programs each would become a multi-millionaire... Guaranteed!
**The five most popular pet names
***The next five most popular pet names
****The next five most popular pet names
*****Pending notification and approval of MoHDI. This post in no way infers an endorsement, collusion or even awareness by MoHDI, which appears to be an actual and legitimate enterprise and therefore has little in common with QuickCo.

Monday, November 27, 2006

GET RICH QUICK: Start a Band called Sand Dollar

Here's an idea I stole from the talented entrepreneurs over at Millions of Hundred Dollar Ideas who stole it from the window of Beulahland in Portland.

Start a band called Sand Dollar or Sand Dollars. Acheive both artistic and popular acclaim, then call me right before signing with a major record label. I'll represent you in all your business dealings for a modest percentage, and make sure you end up on VH1's "Behind the Music" with the same success story retold by countless big stars, from Billy Joel to the Turtles. And I'll put aside a few hundred to send to Millions of Hundred Dollar Ideas and the original poster-maker.

Why such generosity? Hey, that's good karma... and that's how I roll...

See you on the veranda... RQ

Monday, November 20, 2006

Richard Quick Saves KFC! Puts Ad on the Moon!

I could brag about once again saving a major, multi-national corporation from disaster.

I could point out that I have just made history by turning the Moon into the largest, most effective advertising medium the world has ever known.

But those who know me know that Millionaire Richard Quick, Esq. is not one to toot his own horn. I'm too modest for that.

So I'll let this post on the internationally acclaimed news site FRANWORST tell the whole complimentary story.


Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A sentimental moment from the George Bush family photo library

You know it's all the fashion now to bash our great leader, George W. Bush, just because there have been a few bumps in the road toward our inevitable victory in Iraq. Now you know I'm not a sentimental guy, but I think the left wing bleeding heart cut and runners should do well to remember that our Commander in Chief is a person too, he has feelings, and a Mother and Father. So back off.

He also has a history and a family connection with the lovely country of Iraq, as evidenced by this family vacation photo sent to me by Abe PixWit (A Bush family friend?). On the back of the photo is a handwritten note: "W: Be prudent and stay out of the deep doo-doo! Pops."

Be sure to visit PIXWIT.COM for other tender Bush family memories.

QuickCo Employees must boost my Technorati rating or face dismissal

This is my blog. Despite the fact that I have an entire interactive division at my disposal, I built GET RICH QUICK! with my own two fingers. I built it to help people achieve the same kind of prosperity that I have managed to achieve. I make others successful. I enhance lives, such as the way I enhance your live every two weeks when you get your paycheck even if you've been slacking and cruising porn sites for half your working hours (Jerry).

So if you disrespect GET RICH QUICK! you disrespect me. And if you disrespect ME, you disrespect the company that is paying you the paycheck that you have no right to be taking. If you disprespect your company, you are taking bread from the mouths of the children of your co-workers and deserve to be dealt with in ways I don't even want to know about, for legal reasons.

The point is, my Technorati rating is a dismal 180,182.

If this rating doesn't start improving, heads are going to roll. So I advise each and every one of you to click on the link below and choose this site as one of your favorites. If you have a blog, create an inbound link to me. I don't know how else you build these ratings, but figure it out and do it, or so help me god you'll be applying for a Bumvertising job within weeks. And don't even think about Unemployment Compensation, that welfare for lazy commie slackers. We've never had to pay a claim yet, and never will.

Conversely, show evidence that you're helping my ratings and you will be duly rewarded. Add a comment, and you shall be blessed.

Add to Technorati Favorites

Technorati Profile

Sunday, September 10, 2006

NEW! Friendly Fire Ammo!


There’s nothing like a good war to make the American heart swell with pride, to fatten the bank accounts of patriotic corporations, to make heroes out of expendable teens and to liberate strange, brown people from the burden of living. But unfortunately, war is not all flag-waving and no-bid contracts. Occasionally, bad things happen. Sometimes our brave Americans fire on their own troops (oops!), which results in embarrassment, hurt feelings, costly medical care, bad press and occasional court martial proceedings. And that’s bad for everyone!

But now, thanks to the QuickCo/PixWit partnership, there’s a better way, a kinder, gentler way to kill our own… with Friendly Fire Ammo! Why Friendly Fire?

Snuffy sez: It’s Effective! Friendly Fire™ Ammo is made with patented SmartSnuff™ Technology. Once it enters a soldier’s or civilian’s body, it moves through muscle, bone and soft tissue until it locates and pierces at least two vital organs. No need for costly, painful VA hospital stays. No confusing court testimony. That’s good for taxpayers… and America!

Snuffy sez: It’s Painless! Quick Research Group and several government agencies conducted extensive testing on human and animal subjects in countries around the world while developing Friendly Fire™ Ammo. We fine-tuned it until it was 100% pain-free! It was an expensive process, but we think our boys are worth it!

Snuffy sez: Accidents Happen! Everybody makes mistakes. That’s why pencils have erasers! And that’s why the toll-free number to the Friendly Fire hotline is imprinted on every shell. As soon as you’ve killed a comrade or committed an atrocity, dial 1-800-FRIENDLY and notify your service representative. Using our patented Friend-Lie™ Plausible Denial software, you’ll have a bulletproof scenario messaged to your cell phone, PDA or iPOD in minutes!

Snuffy sez: Everybody Wins with Friendly Fire! Friendly Fire is good for families, who can celebrate their loss with a medal and hero’s funeral. It’s good for the American people, who get confused by such scenarios. It’s good for the war effort. And it’s good for the little brown people who are dying to be liberated. And, above all, it’s good for our shareholders.

Friendly Fire™ Ammo.
IRAQ Tested. Pentagon Approved.

Stock Symbol FREND. Stock Offering by Prospectus Only. QuickCo/PIXWIT Industries. Snuffy and the Friendly Fire graphic are creations of PIXWIT Studios.

Friday, September 01, 2006

GET RICH QUICK: War Heroes are a Booming Business!

[Click on graphic for larger image. Or vice versa.]
Even the bleeding heart liberals can't dispute this fact: Under the current administration, production output of American war heroes is booming! And, thanks to PixWit, in cooperation with Pentagon Licensing, White House Properties, and Richard Quick, Esq., every American mourner can swell with pride as the Commander in Chief gives their beloved hero a personal sendoff.

If you're looking for a business opportunity bursting with potential, the Inflatable Commander-in-Chief Rent to Buy program is the kind of inflation you'll love! It's a chance for you to honor our brave troops while making an outrageous profit on every job... just like Halliburton! You'll be able to console loved ones at their most vulnerable, offer high-margin set-up and rental, and even offer a purchase option to parents of multiple patriotic offspring. It's red, white and blue for them and GREEN for you... wealth-building the American way!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

GET RICH QUICK: A Smoking Opportunity!

Millionaire Richard Quick, Esq. is proud to announce a new partnership in which his famed entrepreneurial QuickCo Corp. will assist innovative digital concept and master incubator PIXWIT in transforming it's cutting edge concepts into moneymaking business opportunities that will help individuals with no special talents, experience or intelligence - individuals just like you - Get Rich Quick!

The results of our first joint launch: The Analrettes Home Party opportunity! Why should Big Tobacco have all the fun? Now you can too... and Get Rich Quick in the process!

No sniffs, ands or butts about it, Analrettes are one shit-hot opportunity.

There are over 46 Million smokers in the U.S. That's one out of every four adults, and two out of every four children. Most of them have tried to quit... but we all know what a pain in the ass that can be.

Now, thanks to the advances in microturboprop technology, smokers can get the nicotine they love while bypassing those pesky, cancerous lungs completely... with Analrettes! The PixWit applied one of Richard Quick's basic theories of success: when in doubt, use the back door.

Helping people switch from cancerous lungs to smoking bungs can be the business opportunity you've been looking for! Get off your butt and become an Analrettes Home Party hostess today... and Get Rich Quick!

[graphic & concept by PIXWIT, the undisputed leader in anal microturboprop technology]

Monday, August 21, 2006

Floyd Landis Hires Quick Public Relations Group


P.R. guru rescues embattled cyclist; Solicits input from cycling community.
Embattled American cycling legend and 2006 Tour De France Winner Floyd Landis has retained Quick Public Relations Group as his image management and crisis management agency of record. Quick Public Relations Group, home of the QuickSpin™ Publicity Management System, is owned by public relations wizard and self-made billionaire Richard Quick, Esq., who will personally oversee the account.

Said Landis: "I am grateful that Mr. Quick, Esq. accepted me as a client. I feel that an enormous weight has been lifted off my shoulders. He has opened my eyes to the many creative options available for my future. I apologized profusely to Mr. Quick for not having hired QPRG earlier, and, in addition to grovelling, have offered to teach his future children how to ride bikes, if and when he has them, and I have promised to name my bicycle The Spirit of Richard Quick, Esq.. Please direct all future media inquiries to my new spokeman, Richard Quick, Esq."

Billionaire pitchman Quick, who hails from the same PA Dutch area as Landis, made his first million at age 12 trading whoopie pie futures on the options exchange. How he built an empire with investment ventures as diverse as Internet Lotteries, male enhancement products, gently war-torn real estate and Get Rich Quick! schemes is the stuff of legend. Many industry experts credit "R.Q." with the popularization of "Spam" as a legitimate direct-sales technique. He has nurtured and mentored many legendary marketers, from Don Lapre to Benny Hinn to Karl Rove.

Quick Solicits Cycling Community Input
Despite his considerable success in every endeavor, Richard Quick, Esq. remained humble, stating: "I do not have all the answers, but I do know this: Floyd Landis is a true American hero at a time when we need true American heroes. I am going to reach out to the American cycling community for input and support to learn what they think is the best course of action for Floyd Landis. There is a great amount at stake here. We are not just fighting for one man's reputation. We are fighting for Cycling. We are fighting for Goodness. Truth. And Democracy. We are fighting, in no uncertain terms, for the very soul of America."

Richard Quick, Esq. then asked American bicycling enthusiasts to share their votes by leaving comments on his Get Rich Quick! blog as to whether Floyd should 1) Admit Guilt regardless of guilt or innocence, 2) Claim he was framed by Al-Qaida, and call for the immediate bombing of the French cycling team, 3)Attend Fawnia's Exotic Dance School
, or 4) some other suggestion.

Richard Quick, Esq. closed by thanking PixWit for his fine graphic contribution to the campaign, and for supporting America with his world-class Art Gallery. "If we inadvertently bomb the Louvre," quipped Quick, "We'll still have"

What's Floyd Landis' Next Move?

LEAVE A COMMENT. Win a Psychic Reading.
Richard Quick, Esq. wants YOUR opinion on Floyd Landis' next best move.
Should Floyd Landis:
1) Admit Guilt regardless of guilt or innocence?
2) Claim he was framed by Al-Qaida, and call for the immediate bombing of the French cycling team?
3) Attend Fawnia's Exotic Dance School?
4) do something else?

To claim your FREE PSYCHIC READING from world renowned affiliate psychic Sara "I knew you were going to do that!" Freder, simply scroll down the sidebar to the right, clicking on the many surefire, moneymaking opportunities along the way, until you see the subtle flashing banner reading "Free Psychic Reading." Click on the banner... if you dare!