Monday, May 29, 2006

Send'M Gnome!!! Immigration control NOW!

I chaired last week's conference of the National Association for the Advancement of Wealthy People (NAAWP) in St. Moritz. (Compliments to chef Reto. All agreed your creme brulee is magnifique!) I hosted had an intensive open discussion session (titled Hard Issues, Hard Liquor) on the veranda. I opened with a toast to one of my many conquests, the fiesty activist Lady Jennifer, for no apparent reason except that Gwen had not yet arrived and I thought it best to get it in quick, so to say. I then proceeded to ask the millionaires in attendance "Where's your pain? What pressing issues must we discuss? Do you know of millionaires being repressed, oppressed, tortured and taxed?" I challenged them to let us know which hard topics we needed to address in the next year.

The topic of immigration seemed to dominate the entire 20 minutes. Some people said some points, but then it was time for our annual Waterford Crystal Skeet Shoot Charity event, and we all agreed it was a good session then hurried to the skeet range to "shoot us some flyin' bowls".

1 comment:

Karridine said...

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