Wednesday, June 28, 2006

GET RICH QUICK: Renting Negroes!

Start a Negro Rental Service.
Those wacky negros. Is there anything they can't do? And since we can't buy them anymore (supposedly), there's a big demand for rentals. Now you can turn the demand for America's favorite minority into a great business you can run from the other side of town. Or get ahead of the curve with a Latino Leasing, Temp-Iranians, Contract a Canuck, or Rent to Own an Asian Agency.

Who loves black people? Check out Sally & John. They love their black friends, who love them back.

[Check out damali's actual site, and her myspace page: After the rent-a-negro website, damali wrote the book, "how to rent a negro," elaborating on the concept. It is broken up into a section for potential renters and a section for potential rentals. you can find out more about her book on as well. A good lesson in how to get a lot of mileage from a single joke.]


hdaisy said...

hey, i'm glad your interested in damali ayo's work! those are some creative alternative service names...have you checked out damali's actual site, she has done a lot of different projects and the links for "exhibits/talks" and "performance" show more of her work.

videos, audio tracks, and event dates are also posted on her myspace page:

after the rent-a-negro website, damali wrote the book, "how to rent a negro," elaborating on the concept. it is broken up into a section for potential renters and a section for potential rentals. you can find out more about her book on as well!

heather day, assistant to damali ayo

Richard Quick, Millionaire said...

Good comment, Heather.

Students: this is a good lesson in self-promotion. Heather/Damali is one of the few who recognize that Get Rich Quick! is one of the only blogs around that encourages - actually celebrates - self promotion, trolling and bloghooring (as I'm accused of on a daily basis).

I have added her links to the main post, have linked to rent-a-negro on my main sidebar links, and included it in my 101 Ways to Get Rich Quick!

If Heather/Damali is really good, she'll go back and put up reciprocal links to Get Rich Quick! and to posts regarding my formation of the NAAWP (National Association for the Advancement of Wealthy People) And return here to cite the location of those links, thus providing further exposure for her sites and winning invaluable brownie points with beloved defender of equal rights among the advantaged, Millionaire Richard Quick, Esq.

Unknown said...

No offense meant but you sound like a racist bastard. I grew up in an all white family and a high school three blacks until I moved to a school where there was one black: me. I've had to deal with a lot of bullshit in my life and get offensive very easily when it comes to this subject. So the "renting negroes" is not something that should be on a "get rich quick" list. It doesn't matter what the damn color of your skin is!