Saturday, April 01, 2006

Universist Movement Flushed by Richard Quick, ESQ


Richard Quick Expose Topples Universist Movement in 10 Days
Millionaire’s stinging words ends movement in 10 days


While many love to make the comparison, Millionaire Richard Quick, Esq. waves it off with a laugh. “I am NOT God,” says the modest, highly celebrated self-made man. “Not even A God, at least one of the major deities. The Lord created the world in only six days. All I did was expose and topple a religious leader in one day and a fraudulent religious movement in 10 days. Granted, I was maintaining a multi-national, multibillion-dollar enterprise concurrently. But, I repeat, I am not a major deity.”

Many would beg to differ. The Universist Movement seemed to be growing by leaps and bounds, attracting many of the crew members of the Hollywood elite and rankling the feathers of established relious elite. Yet Richard Quick, Esq., on a crusade to eliminate the lost productivity of office workers spending time on anti-success and charlatan websites while at work, identified and exposed the site Universist.Org as one of the worst. He added Universist.Org to his list Richard Quick’s All-Time worst Loser time-Wasting Loser sites on March, 12. Within 24 hours, the founder stepped down. Within ten days, the “Movement” had been flushed into the waters of the pipeline of appropriately forgotten ideas.

Here’s the time line for the Universist.Org End-of-Days Non-rapture

3/12/06. Quick posts his scathing commentary in an expose on his Get Rich Quick! Blog a “Talk about needing a sist removed! Universist.Org consists of pretentious self-important elitist liberal arts losers playing dress-up with pagan wiccan lesbo costumes found in the dumpster outside of real religions. Hey, let's create a religion based on what we don't believe! That way the boring pseudo-views we spew over Starbuck's lattes can't be challenged for the vapid drivel it is.”

3/12/06 Quick receives a stinging rebuke and threatening email from Universist founder Ford Vox. This prompts a heated email exchange between Ford Vox and Millionaire Richard Quick, Esq. It’s clear that Quick hit a nerve.

3/13/06 An email is sent to the Universist membership entitled “A New Dawn” which says: “…founder Ford Vox has chosen to step down to an advisory role.” The inner tumult was attributed to “…a rift that was created by… a difference of opinion between forum management and a member.” Unnamed sources have identified the “member” as Richard Quick, Esq.

3/20/06 With the organization reeling, administrator Roy Frank Tottie sends an email entitled “Urgent Request, Your Testimony Requested” to all members, making a desperate attempt to curtail member-to-member email contact to keep the further disintegration of this pseudogroup caused by Richard Quick’s prophetic words.

3/22/06 Roy Frank Tottie follows up with a tear-soaked, sappy email which reads, in part: “Effective Friday, March 24th the Forum will be closing for good… fuck it all… the time for fighting is over.” In honesty rare for this group, Tottie admits that Richard Quick, Esq. was right by stating that Universism “…is NOTHING! A game. A fantasy.”

In a press conference later that week, Richard Quick, Esq. again put it best: “Never underestimate the power of a millionaire's criticism. Days after I exposed the so-called Universist Movement a leftist, lesbo hoax, and a ludicrous joke, and added their inane forum to the revered list Richard Quick's Top Time-Wasting Loser Sites, guess what? The forum officially shut down in embarrassment and defeat, and the "Movement" seems to have reached up from its own toilet bowl and pulled the flusher in shame and remorse. Certain movements are best flushed and forgotten. Beware the wrath of Millionaire Richard Quick, Esq.!”

Truer words have never been spoken. When Richard Quick, Esq. speaks, charlatans and posers flee in terror!


For more information, contact Richard Quick, Esq. at or post a comment at

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